addresses, good plans etc. To discover Israel Strong> span> . strong> p>
publisher description: span> p>
Israel is Stitched in to History As The Battleground of Empires and the Birthplace of Religions. It's A Place Where Visitors CAN Immerse Themselves in a Rich Tapestry of Faith, Whether Walking in Jesus' Footesteps in Nazareth, Exploring The Synagogues of Kabbalah Capital, Safed, Gold Venturing to Jerusalem's Old City, Where Judaism, Islam and Christianity Meet. This Tiny Stretch of Land Occupies in Kaleidoscope of Landscapes, ITS Vast and Barren Deserts Contrasting with Emerald - Green Valleys and Snow - Capped Peaks. Combinative sensitive information with up - to - date Practical Advice, Bradt's Israel Guides You have Memoable Journey Through This Holy Land, from Hilltop Kibbutzim to Glitzy Red Sea Resorts. Span> p>
ISBN/EAN : 9781784770877
Publication date: 2018
Pagination: 312 pages
Folded dimensions: 13.5×21.6cm
Language(s): English
Poids :
320 g