Waterproof road map of central Japan and Tokyo city map. Useful for planning your trip and getting around the Japanese capital and its surroundings independently.
On the front, a general map of central Japan and on the back, a detailed map of the capital, accompanied by a subway map and a small map of the greater Tokyo region.
The legend includes: attractions, airports, beaches, ski areas, religious buildings, lighthouses, UNESCO World Heritage sites, national parks.
City map: attractions, museums, religious buildings, parks, post offices, theaters, cinemas, police stations, embassies, hospitals, internet cafes, department stores.
The legend is in English and Japanese. Note that the names of places and streets are written in the Latin alphabet.
ISBN/EAN : 9781771298094
Publication date: 2025
Scale: 1/14,000 (1 cm = 140 m) & 1/600,000 (1 cm = 6 km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 24.6 x 10.3 x 0.5cm
Unfolded dimensions: 100 x 69cm
Language(s): English
109 g