Detailed Atlas of the central part of Greece including 16 pages at 1/250 000 and 219 pages at 1/50 000. Level curves, with Ggr87 and WGS84 grids and a vast index. p>
Note of hikes, monuments, place names, geography.
Geophysical Relief, complete hydrography and place names.
Legend in 4 languages (Greek, English, French, German). p>
Bilingual Edition: Greek and Latin letters on maps, index in Greek and Latin characters for religious and archaeological monuments. p>
Rigid cover. p>
ISBN/EAN : 9789609824927
Publication date: 2009
Pagination: 276 pages
Scale: 1/50,000 (1cm=500m)
Folded dimensions: 24.3 x 34.2cm
Language(s): French, Greek, English, German
1355 g