New Countries, Slovakia lives in the abundance of change, which is part of the heart of the tormented history of Central Europe. The Slovaks are attached to their traditions and national heritage. Beyond the troubled and painful history of Central Europe, since 1993 and their velvet divorce with the Czechs, the Slovaques make the inventory of their history. They revisit with passion with their popular heritage, houses and churches in wood, their folklore, their castles of war and aristocratic pleasures, their national heroes. The Slovaks are incredibly proud of their country because their country is beautiful and that it has been fully forced to them. Slovakia is a lesson of things for anyone who would have forgotten what the word nation means: a group of people bound by the collective consciousness to belong to the same people. P>
ISBN/EAN : 9782305077512
Publication date: 2022
Pagination: 384 pages
Folded dimensions: 12 x 20.5cm
Language(s): French
300 g