Detailed map carried out in collaboration with the Frankfurt Zoology Society.
Only detailed map of the entire eco - system, this map represents the years of research of the Frankfurt Zoology Society and is the official management map of the field staff.
It is much more than just a map: on the back is a wealth of authoritative information, including migration schemes, wildlife, serengeti populations, climate, landscapes and habitats.
- Show tracks, seasonal slopes and important camps
- Migration and ecosystem models of Serengeti - Mara
- Large Mammalian Checklist
- Climate, Habitat, People, History.
ISBN/EAN : 9781851374045
Publication date: 2019
Scale: 1/250,000 (1cm=2.5km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 27.2 x 12cm
Unfolded dimensions: 96 x 108cm
Language(s): English
82 g