Tourist map of the northwestern part of the United States published by National Geographic. This map covers the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, Olympic, Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake and North Cascades National Parks, Mt. Saint Helens and Volcanoes Mount Hood, The Columbia River Gorges and dozens of beautiful national monuments, forests and savages. p>
The map includes the cities of Seattle, Portland, Boise, Spokane and Eugene, as well as Puget Sound and the spectacular Pacific coast of Washington State and Oregon. It covers western Montana and Wyoming, including Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks, as well as Northern California, Nevada and Utah. P>
Indication of roads, protected areas (national park, reserves ...), tourist attractions and also included, photos and a cities index. P>
Detailed waterproof and tearing resistant. strong> p>
Scale 1/100,000 (1 cm = 13 km). p>
ISBN/EAN : 9781566957120
Publication date: 2022
Scale: 1 / 1,300,000 (1cm = 13km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 23.5 x 10.7 x 0.8cm
Unfolded dimensions: 95x65cm
Language(s): English
89 g