Tourist map of the region of Agadir, Taghazout, and Imouzzer (Morocco).
37 attractions are presented:
- 22 destinations in the Nature + Geology category: hot spring, Saadian tomb, picturesque valleys, caves, parks, gardens and museums
- 4 destinations in the Prehistory category: dinosaur tracks and a fossil site
- 3 destinations in the Architecture section: Agadir Oufella and Tidsi
- 1 Destination of the Religion section: Zaouïa Tidsi
- 7 Dates and locations of weekly markets (souks)
ISBN/EAN : 9783943752373
Publication date: 2019
Scale: 1/120,000 (1cm=1.2km)
Folded dimensions: 10.5 x 20 cm
Unfolded dimensions: 84 x 59cm
Language(s): English, French, German
Poids :
60 g