A reference guide, both practical and cultural, for an unforgettable stay at Budapest strong>. span>
A color guide, full of photos and ultrapratic to make the best of Budapest and Hungary. span>
The top of the sites to see and experiences on site, Itineraries over 4 days, suggestions for excursions and targeted sections (with children, gastronomy, baths and spas, circuits in town ...).
A thorough coverage of the most important sites like the palace Royal Strong>, Parliament, The Danube Bridges Strong>, The St. Etienne Basilica Strong>, The Budapest Hills ...
Chapters dedicated to gastronomy Hungarian (specialties, US and customs, keys to decrypt maps, focus on Hungarian wines ...) and the nightlife of this capital renowned by its amazing offer of exit places. span>
Specific Chapters on History, Art Nouveau Architecture, Artistic and Music Scene ... span> many maps and a detachab plan The with a street index and a transport plan to move easily. p>
ISBN/EAN : 9782384922246
Publication date: 2023
Pagination: 352 pages
Folded dimensions: 12.8×19.6cm
Language(s): French
Poids :
380 g