Detailed map of the roads and railways of Europe published by ITM. The coverage extends from western Ireland to the east of Moscow (from West East) and Scandinavia to Southern Italy (from north to south). By indicating the main axes in addition to railway tracks, this map makes it possible to explore the regions that do not have railways (Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, etc.). P>
Ferry lines are also presented. p>
Scale 1 / 3.350.000 (1 cm = 33.5 km). p>
ISBN/EAN : 9781771292627
Publication date: 2020
Scale: 1/3,350,000 (1cm=33.5km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 24.6 x 10.3 x 0.5cm
Language(s): English
Poids :
54 g