In the heart of the country of Don Quixote, combine the discovery of the bitter lands of the Meseta, punctuated by strong castles, and the hectic rhythm of cities like Salamanca or Madrid, cradle of the Spanish movida. span> p>
Our field authors selected: 10 essentials of the destination in pictures, 20 favorites, 4 routes from 4 to 7 days. 60 walks and circuits, excursions, hiking, and all sites rated by stars: ***, ** and *. span> p>
Discover more than 410 addresses for all budgets as well as 45 Michelin maps and plans and to best prepare your trip, use the Michelin map # 121, 575, 576 span> p>
ISBN/EAN : 9782067255876
Publication date: 2022
Folded dimensions: 22x12cm
Language(s): French
Poids :
472 g