Michelin tourist map of Alsace. Readable and detailed, the new Alsace map at 1/215,000 (1 cm = 2.15 km) contains the key information to explore the region: the starry sites of the Green guide, the must and favorites of the Publishers, picturesque routes, bike paths and finally suggestions for itineraries. span> p>
You will also enjoy its practical to manipulate format, ideal for nomadic use. Finally, thanks to its laminatedized support, you can write and delete directly on the map (with an erasable felt or a fluo). Ideal for tracing your itineraries and share your good plans with your loved ones! Span> p>
ISBN/EAN : 9782067240278
Publication date: 2019
Scale: 1/215,000 (1cm=2.15km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 25 x 11cm
Language(s): French
89 g