Detailed map of Umbria and Marche (Italy) published by the Italiano Touring Club. This simple side map covers the regions of Perugia and Ancona. Topography of the relief. The names of mountain ranges, valleys, vertices, etc ... are presented and national parks and other protected areas are highlighted. The road distances are indicated on many local routes. Places of interest and panoramic roads are marked on the map. P>
Cities index and distances on the back. P>
Scale 1/200 000 (1 cm = 2 km). Waterproof and tear - resistant map. P>
ISBN/EAN : 9788836579754
Publication date: 2023
Scale: 1/200,000 (1cm=2km)
Printed sides: front
Folded dimensions: 23.5 x 12.5cm
Unfolded dimensions: 136 x 93cm
Language(s): multilingual (including French)
Poids :
120 g