The mountains of the department, which culminate at more than 3000 meters above sea level, constitute real Castles of water. Durance and Verdon are the best - known resurgences But other rivers and torrents, less frequented and wild, will offer you long moments of freshness and tranquility during strong heat, such as Ubaye, the Asse, La Bernarde ... span>
- mce - fragment="1"> Strengths: span>
• For each site: GPS coordinates, road access, water temperature, attendance, spot suitable for children or not, what aquatic activities possible: swim, dive ..., a "to do / to see near" span>
> • A richly illustrated book span>
1"> • a geographical division based on natural regions and watercourses span>
• Practical information about safety and good behaviors to adopt span>
ISBN/EAN : 9782844666048
Publication date: 2022
Pagination: 195 pages
Folded dimensions: 20.5 x 26.5cm
Language(s): French
777 g