Carte cycliste éditée par l'Adventure Cycling Association.
La carte est imperméable et conçue pour tenir dans une fenêtre ou une poche de maillot. Elle fournit des informations spécifiques aux cyclistes : emplacement des magasins de vélos, sources d'approvisionnement en nourriture et en eau et liste des hébergements pour la nuit, y compris les installations de camping, les petits hôtels et les hébergements réservés aux cyclistes.
Description de l'éditeur :
This stretch begins in Pie Town, home to the Pie-o-Neer Cafe, famous for its ... yep, you guessed it.
From Pie Town all the way to the Mexican border the route toys with the Continental Divide, crossing it no fewer than 11 times. After skirting the barren Plains of San Augustin, then climbing across the exceptionally steep and rugged mountains of the Gila National Forest, where each steep descent is followed by an equally steep climb, the route pulls into Silver City. Here the mountains end and the desert begins.
South of Silver City the route enters true desert, rich with lizards and road runners. For several miles north of Separ the route follows directly along the Continental Divide, providing stunning views of the empty country stretching away in every direction. The exceptionally low-traffic State Highway 81 leads to the international border at Antelope Wells, through a wild-western landscape that provides a memorable end to the world's longest mountain bike route.
ISBN/EAN : 9780935108583
Date de publication : 2024
Langue(s) : anglais
Poids :
89 g